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Raised Corner GardenBed – June 19 Garden of the Month

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June 2019 Garden of the Month:

Raised Corner Garden Beds. Durable GreenBed owner, Tom VanDenend created this oasis in his yard. Using two of the Durable GreenBed Raised Garden Corner Kits, he’s made effective use of space to create an outdoor “room”. Our Corner Raised bed kits are also excellent for that hard to use space in the corner of your fence, making all gardening areas accessible. The containment in our 20-25 year bed keeps dirt off of fences and pilings, extending fence life.

Create an outdoor “room” with Corner (L-shaped) Raised Garden Beds

Raised Corner Garden Beds. Available in 1ft and 2ft height (2 ft pictured)Corner Raised bed kits can be used to create an outdoor room. Corner raised beds (also known as L-shaped) are also excellent for that hard to use space in the corner of your fence, making all garden areas accessible.

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