Spring Sale
Ends March 15th
Our Spring Sale has ended. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about new discounts.
A community garden asked if we could make them L shaped raised garden bed kits several years ago. We did! And the Durable GreenBed team loved them so much we created an L shaped kit! Gardening in the inside of the corner literally surrounds you with your garden work area. This is an extremely striking bed that can be laid out artistically in interesting patterns in your yard. The wide trim doubles as a seat for tending the garden. It is reasonably priced, will last for 20-25 years+ and will produce prodigious amounts of healthy vegetables.
Durable GreenBed est une solution de parterre de jardin surélevée de qualité supérieure, durable et durable, conçue pour améliorer votre expérience de jardinage et votre esthétique globale. Fabriqués à partir d'un composite de copeaux de bois/béton non toxique 100%, ces lits sont conçus pour durer 20 à 25 ans ou plus, offrant une solution de jardinage durable et respectueuse de l'environnement. Avec un se concentrer sur la durabilité, la longévitée et durabilité, nos kits GreenBed durables sont disponibles en différentes tailles pour répondre à vos besoins de jardinage.
Durable GreenBeds add beauty to any outdoor space – from porches and concrete patios to grassy backyards and front yards. The wide trim not only serves as a functional element but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your garden. Explore endless design options by joining multiple GreenBed Kits together and we are happy to work with custom quotes Request My Custom Design.
A community garden asked if we could make them L shaped raised garden bed kits several years ago. We did! And the Durable GreenBed team loved them so much we created an L shaped kit! Gardening in the inside of the corner literally surrounds you with your garden work area. This is an extremely striking bed that can be laid out artistically in interesting patterns in your yard. The wide trim doubles as a seat for tending the garden. It is reasonably priced, will last for 20-25 years+ and will produce prodigious amounts of healthy vegetables.
Nos kits GreenBed durables sont fièrement fabriqués aux États-Unis, garantissant un savoir-faire de qualité et soutenant la fabrication locale.
Our kits set up easily in 1-3 hours (after site prep). You need: hammer, cordless drill (¼” nut driver & Phillips head), a level, ¼” socket wrench.
We are happy to work with any people, organizations and businesses that wish to pursue their gardening passions.
Download CAD files and product specification sheets for our Raised Garden Beds by visiting the Durable GreenBed CADdetails Profile.
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“Un avis d'un client qui a bénéficié de votre produit. Les évaluations peuvent être un moyen très efficace d'établir la crédibilité et d'accroître la réputation de votre entreprise. »
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