Lit de verdure durable

GreenBed durable présenté dans "This Old House" !

UTILISER UN KIT de potager surélevé!

“Until fairly recently, about the only way to get a raised bed was to buy some boards, cut them to size, and screw them together yourself. Or you could hire a mason to build one for you out of brick or stone. The only limits were your imagination and budget.

But these days, you can find a growing assortment of all-inclusive raised-bed kits with precut parts that save time, eliminate guesswork, and offer a variety of looks. They may not have the one-of-a-kind uniqueness of scratch- or pro-built beds, but they come in a wide array of striking materials—including wood, steel, composite boards, and tumbled concrete blocks—that can add a handsome accent to any landscape.”

Montré : Ces lits en kit ont des côtés poreux et imputrescibles faits de copeaux de bois et de ciment. Ils sont maintenus en place par des coins en aluminium recouverts d'une finition résistante cuite au four et sont recouverts de cèdre rouge de l'Ouest.

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