Ícono del sitio Cama verde duradera

Cama de jardín del mes de julio

Cómo aprovechar al máximo un pequeño espacio de jardín. 

Raised Greenbed in the Median Strip in Seattle.  #CityGarden

This raised garden bed makes maximum use of a small space.  Living in Seattle, in a lot that is very shaded, this gardener wanted a space for summer vegetables.  Using a 4×8 stepped raised garden bed from Durable GreenBed, she makes maximum use of her small median strip between the sidewalk and the street.  The raised bed in two levels allows for maximum light for all of her plantings, and by using raised beds, she’s got quality soil in an area notorious for sandy, poor quality soils.   

Técnicas de jardinería de pies cuadrados

Using squarefoot gardening techniques, she’s maximized her yields, growing snap peas,  4 varieties of tomatoes, basil, chard, kale, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini and beets.  

Los tomates maduran más rápido

With the added sun and warmer soil from the raised bed, tomatoes, which are notoriously late to ripen in Seattle’s short growing season, are ripening already at the end of July, and yields look to be really great.  She’s thinned the tomatoes to allow for larger ones, and will put in much stronger, taller cages next year.

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