Cama verde duradera

Cama de jardín del mes – Invernadero con camas de jardín

Invernadero con camas de jardín

Lisa y Hank, sureste de Washington 

Lisa y Hank tienen seis Durable GreenBeds que miden 4 pies por 8 pies y 1 pie de profundidad colocados alrededor de un hermoso invernadero de vidrio. La pareja tiene un invernadero para mantener felices sus cultivos durante el invierno, y querían camas de plantación alrededor del invernadero que fueran adecuadas para el uso durante todo el año y que también tuvieran un atractivo visual.

“We wanted something that would look substantial and would visually match our greenhouse, which is a durable structure,” Lisa says. Hank’s an architect, so they didn’t want just anything, especially with their modern, all-glass clad greenhouse as a focal point. Lisa says they spent a lot of time researching options online, and when they stumbled across the Durable GreenBeds, they liked the look and the durability.

Hank liked the composite panel boards, and he liked that they were assembled with durable, attractive hardware. While researching the product, Lisa recalled seeing a video of a man standing on the Durable GreenBeds, so she knew they weren’t going to fall apart. And Hank said, “I could tell it was a substantial product.”

Hank and Lisa bought their beds in April 2020 after construction on the greenhouse was completed. Lisa was able to transplant her seedlings in June. The beautiful greenhouse allows her to overwinter plants, grow seedlings, and lettuces. Weather in their southeastern corner of Washington has four true seasons and a very hot summer — last year, summer temperatures soared to a peak of 106. Because of that, the greenhouse gets overly hot in the summer, but it’s a year-round architectural feature.

“The beds are the right size for us and the greenhouse looks really pretty with the beds,” says Lisa. “Even though they may seem a little more expensive, once you price out a durable wood like cedar, and in today’s market, it comes out to be a pretty reasonable price especially since it doesn’t have to be replaced in five years.”

En lo que va del año, Hank y Lisa están usando su invernadero con camas de jardín para tomates, pimientos, calabazas, judías verdes y remolachas. Ver más de nuestro Camas de jardín del mes, y envíenos fotos de cómo ha dispuesto sus GreenBeds duraderos.

Invernadero de vidrio con macizos de jardín duraderos

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