Jardines Ecológicos
Gardeners like to brag that we were green before green was popular. Creating and starting a garden is one of the best things you can do for your health. But we need to think about the environmental impact of the products we use: lumber (or worse treated lumber) for raised beds, garden sheds, fences and trellises. Sythetic fertilizers or pesticides. It all adds up and makes your garden less green than it ought to be. A garden that is eco-friendly can be improved by using products that are sustainably manufactured or given new life through recycling.
Los duraderos kits de jardín de camas elevadas GreenBed están diseñados con un compuesto único, ecológico y reciclado de astillas de madera/concreto que durará 25 años o más
Aquí hay 10 ideas para reverdecer su jardín y hacerlo más ecológico:
- Planta un árbol. Los árboles son los mejores amigos del clima, pueden zonas ajardinadas de sombra del calor del sol, y proveer hogares.
- Comience una pila de compost. Compostaje takes bio-degradable kitchen scraps and converts them to nutrient-rich food for your soil. Your plants will love it. You’ll be surprised how much less goes to garbage.
- Riegue inteligentemente. Give your garden a drink during the coolest part of the day, so more water has a chance to seep into the ground before it evaporates. You’ll save water over the long haul. This article offers more tips for efficient and environmentally-conscious watering.
- Use a rain barrel. Conservar el agua de lluvia es una excelente manera de tener un menor impacto en la tierra mientras se cultiva un jardín más verde. Un barril de lluvia también es un proyecto de bricolaje relativamente fácil. Verificar este tutorial.
- Reduzca la hierba en su césped. Plant easy-care ground cover plants, wildflowers, stone, pavers and/or other materials. Less work, less watering needed, and less mowing. Moss as ground cover and meadowing are two ideas to consider.
- Prueba con semillas orgánicas. Plantar semillas orgánicas es una forma sencilla de comenzar su jardín sobre una base ecológica.
- Cambia a un cortacésped de empuje. Switching to a non-gas-powered reel mower saves money, but also means lots less toxic gasses going into the air. (Los motores de las cortadoras de césped son los peores contaminantes) And, think of the exercise! Even if you only use the push mower every other time you mow, you’ll be making a positive impact on the environment and the air quality in your neighborhood.
- Use fewer chemical-based products. If you’re used to using chemical-based fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides, challenge yourself to replace those methods with a more natural strategy. Haga su propio herbicida natural por menos.
- Ir orgánico. Mójate los pies por trying organic gardening methods in your raised garden bed, and then expand to the rest of your garden. You’ll eat healthier.
Refleje su estilo e inspire su paisaje al aire libre con camas de jardín elevadas ecológicas.
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