Cama verde duradera

Durable GreenBed presentado en "This Old House"!

USAR UNA KIT Cama de jardín elevada!

“Until fairly recently, about the only way to get a raised bed was to buy some boards, cut them to size, and screw them together yourself. Or you could hire a mason to build one for you out of brick or stone. The only limits were your imagination and budget.

But these days, you can find a growing assortment of all-inclusive raised-bed kits with precut parts that save time, eliminate guesswork, and offer a variety of looks. They may not have the one-of-a-kind uniqueness of scratch- or pro-built beds, but they come in a wide array of striking materials—including wood, steel, composite boards, and tumbled concrete blocks—that can add a handsome accent to any landscape.”

Mostrado: Estas camas construidas en kit tienen lados porosos e imputrescibles hechos de astillas de madera y cemento. Se mantienen en su lugar mediante esquinas de aluminio recubiertas con un resistente acabado horneado y están rematadas con cedro rojo occidental.

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